With unmatched excellence in direct-fired heating, ventilating and make-up air systems, AbsolutAire has expertise in indirect-fired systems as well. Indirect-fired technologies meet specific customer preferences and are common choices for many commercial, institutional and industrial applications in which the higher capacities, displacement ventilation and fuel efficiency of direct-fired systems are not required.
AbsolutAire I-Series indirect-fired heating and ventilating systems are available in horizontal models for either indoor or outdoor installation. Like most indirect-fired systems, these units are 80% energy efficient and use advanced heat exchangers in the furnace section to provide building supply air at set temperatures. Depending on the application, these systems may be gravity vented or power vented for exhausting combustion gases to the outdoors.
Many of the same design features found on AbsolutAire direct-fired units can be found on our indirect-fired units. These include motorized inlet dampers, easy-to-service filters, long-life motor and fan combinations, single-point gas and electrical connections, ETL/CSA certifications, advanced control systems and much more.
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